Malware en Squid


Holas a todos,

Quisera que me ayude con una inquietud, navegando encontre informacion de lo malware aqui le dejo lo que encontre:

    How-To use the Malware Block List on Squid Proxies

    To use the Malware Block List on a Squid proxy to block user access to URLs that contain Malware you need to perform the following simple steps:

    * Create an ACL in the main configuration file (squid.conf) pointing to a file which will have the list of URLs:
    acl malware_block_list url_regex -i "/etc/squid/malware_block_list.txt"
    * Enable the ACL created previously:
    http_access deny malware_block_list
    deny_info malware_block_list
    * Download the block list:
    wget -O - > malware_block_list.txt
    * Force Squid reconfiguration:
    squid -k reconfigure

    To have an up-to-date block list, create a cron job to run every 4 hours, pointing to a script like this:
    wget -O - > /etc/squid/malware_block_list.txt
    squid -k reconfigure

Ahora mi pregunta es:

Que tan efectivo resulta poner esto en el squid..??
Esto beneficiaria mucho a los usuarios finales..??
