Dansguardian en centos 5.4? Como....?


He intentado instalar dansguardian en mi centos pero al realizar yum -y install dansguardian no lo encuentro, alguien que me ayude a instalarlo por favor es urgente... he buscado en google pero no logro instalarlo...


Me parece que esa pregunta ya

Imagen de Root Bit

Me parece que esa pregunta ya la realizaste hace algun tiempo y me parece que ya te la respondieron


There are only 10 types people in the world:
Those who understand binary and those who don't

1. Modify the file

1. Modify the file /etc/dansguardian/bannedregexpurllist

by uncommenting (remove #) so that it looks as it is below:

#Block unfiltered options on various search engines

#Block images on altavista, alltheweb, yahoo etc - as they are anonomised

AND/OR modify the file /etc/dansguardian/bannedphraselist

by adding the following:

# Google
< safesearch is off >,< about google >,< Advanced Image Search>
# Yahoo
< safesearch is off >, < images >
# Dogpile, Excite, Webcrawler
< likely to contain adult content >,< results with adult content >
# AlltheWeb

;) :D }:-) (editado por spammer :D )

These stop adult/offensive images if safe search is turned off for an image search engine.

2. Change firefox preferences to stop use of secure proxy sites to gain access to blocked sites: